Hi everyone!
Just a few comments on various things.  First of all, ferret prices- I
bought Zoey in Connecticut last month and they were all $129.
To Meg on losing her Xoie- I also felt very guilty after my Calie died.  I
was cleaning out their cage, so I tossed them on the couch and asked Jason
(my SO) to keep an eye on them while I finished.  Well, he was watching TV
and kind of lost track of Calie, didn't think much of it, and stood up to
help me with the cage.  So, when I finished, I started looking for her
(Marti was found immediately).  I looked in her hiding places, and couldn't
see or hear her anywhere so I found her squeeky toy.  After about a minute,
when she didn't come running as usual, I got that panicked feeling in my
stomach.  All I could do was go back to the last place I had seen her.
Sure enough, there she was, under the cushion of the couch.  She must have
begun to crawl in while Jason was sitting on the couch, but when he stood
up, the gap closed on her, and she couldn't get out.  I have to assume she
suffocated.  It was the most horrible experience I had ever been through.
I spent the next few weeks blaming myself, "If I had only found her sooner,
if I hadn't put her on the couch in the first place, etc..." Even now I
still feel guilty, but unfortunately, terrible accidents happen sometimes.
Getting Zoey has been a great help.  But, I had forgotten what a handfull
babies can be.  Which leads me to my next question- how do all of you out
there that have MANY ferrets do it?  :) I think I would love to have tons
of them, but I'm so paranoid now trying to keep track of my two, I can't
imagine trying to keep track of 5 or 10 or whatever.  :) I can't seem to
sit down for more than five minutes without getting up to do "roll call"
and make sure everyone is accounted for(especially if things get too quiet
for a minute).  :)
Anyway, Sorry for the length of this post.
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend!
Jenn and Jason, Marti, Zoey, Zhara, Lexi, and Bucca
P.S.  I was so glad to hear of all the runaways who had returned home!
[Posted in FML issue 1241]