Kitka, eater of all that is inedible, is no longer stapled together on
her underside. Now I am wondering how long we should wait to bathe her.
The incision on her little bald tummy  is mostly healed with only small
spots of red. She smells like a frito, which I can live with. I'm just
glad she's still around to be sniffed.
When I read your post about Woody not being as friendly with strangers as
with you, my ears perked.  We are just noticing the same thing about our
Kitka.  She is gentle with us (mostly) but has ben especially bad with
others since her surgery.  This ties in with what Rochelle posted last week
about stress related reactions and visits to the vet.  The technician who
took out Kitka's staples was scruffing her when he brought her back into
the room.  He stated "She's being a brat".  I was less than pleased but it
probably was not the best experience for anyone.  Just glad to be taking
her home.  Another instance: our duplex is being sold (more on that) and
Kitka really went after the realtor who will be "showing" the place.  I am
not particularly happy about the whole thing and to top it off the realtor
really rubs me the wrong way.  Perhaps Kitka sensed this somehow (Ronnie?).
Kitka walked right up to the realtor and munched the top of her foot!
Didn't break the skin, but still nerve racking.  Our current landlord
related later that as they were leaving our yard the realtor said something
like: I don't understand why anyone would ever keep a ferret as a pet!  I
knew there was a reason I didn't like her.
Since they are selling the place we have to consider the possibility of
moving.  This I dread.  Our lease runs through Dec.  but in the meantime I
an worried about the realtor showing the place while we are not at home.
While she says this will not happen I have heard thet before.  She has
already proved to be inexperienced in ferreting.  Does anyone have any
suggestions or insight?
Friends of ours keep their ferrets in a large-ish pet taxi.  A board
separates the top half from the bottom half, with the litter pan on the
bottom, food and hammie on top, and a water bottle attached to the door.  A
plus being that en route to the vet, vacation, etc. the fuzz beans are
Please excuse the length.
Paula & Matt
Charlotte & Kitka
[Posted in FML issue 1239]