I just don't get it.
Finnegan & I travel all around the Burlington, VT area.  He gets coddled,
petted & has had his picture taken with people from Chekoslovakia.  He never
does anything but cuddle & give kisses.
Except.... to the owner of his Arch-enemy, Tiki.
You all may remember me asking for advice when my friend Jen got Tiki.  It
was the typical "I'm bigger than you are & I will drag you around & never
cease in my harrassment of your furry self!!!!!"   Finnegan was so rough that
I think that it has scarred Tiki's psyche permanently.  Despite the fact that
Tiki now outweighs the Finn by a good pound, at least, he still refuses to
fight.  Given the chance, he will simply lick Finn, who usually wakes up &
thrashes him.
Needless to say they don't hang around together to much, although we are
still attempting to negotiate a treaty.  I will be taking care of him for a
week while Jen is on vacation... this may help... hopefully.
The problem, however, is that since Finn can't attack Tiki without
interference, he now attacks Tiki's mama.  She walks in the door to my house
& within 30 seconds he is attempting to remove her skin.  He has to stay
confined while she visits.  They were able to play together before she got
Tiki, but now that seems out of the question.
Has anyone else had similar experience of a ferret projecting inter-ferret
warfare on to homo-sap?   We still hope that the war will end...but now I'm
begining to wonder if he'll ever stop attcking Jen.  Might this become
Elfyr & the Finn (just call me Feracula!)
[Posted in FML issue 1239]