A similar episode happened to me several years ago with my first ferret,
Mickey.  I was house cleaning and stopped to get something cold to drink
from the fridge.  FOUR hours later, I went back to the fridge, opened
the door and shrieked!  I thought there was a mouse in the fridge but it
was Mickey!  He had eaten parts of several necturines and was curled up
I was shaking I was so worried - he was so cold, and I had trouble getting
him to wake up.  He finally did and I kept rubbing his body vigorously to
help him warm up.  He was ok after that, but now I NEVER turn my back on
the fridge door until it is completely shut - in the split second you turn
your back before the door closes, a ferret has enough time to crawl in and
get stuck.  You were lucky that yours managed to open the door by herself.
I had a similar occurrence with the dish washer.  I filled it with some
dirty dishes, and then went to watch TV.  I kept hearing this 'noise' and
I thought it was tree branches banging on a window - it was storming that
night.  I went into the kitchen and the noise was louder and I realized
it was INSIDE the house.....hmm.....the dishwasher???  I opened it up and
there was Mandy trying to get out - her little feet were all sweaty and
she was quite warm.
Kitchens can be dangerous for little ferrets - I double check all these
things routinely now - twice.  Make sure no ferrets in the dishwasher before
closing the door.....make sure no ferrets in the fridge before closing the
After reading the post about the little girl who climbed up inside the stove
and blew out the pilot light, I'm glad I don't have a gas stove!!
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1239]