Update on Turnes Falls incident.  I received the police report and newspaper
article on the Turners Falls incident where two ferrets were confiscated from
a private residence.
In reading the Police Report, there was no complaint issued.  We were of the
understanding that the Fish & Game Police would not "act" on a ferret unless
there had been a bite or a complaint.  We are wrong.
In speaking with the gentleman who had his two ferrets taken (Beevis &
Butthead), he stated that when the local officer and F&G offficer came onto
his private property to take his ferrets (who were in the backyard) he asked
them where they were going with his ferrets.  He was told that they were not
his ferrets and they didn't owe him any explanation at all.
The two ferrets are in loving, capable hands in another state right now.  The
F&G Officer had the decency to take them out of state instead of destroying
them.  At least we are making strides there.
The only way we will be able to stop this from happening again is to get on
the phone or write to our Mass State Senators and have them pass House Bill
For more info, please contact me by E-mail, or call the Ferret Hotline in MA
for updates on the bill at (617) 224-1098.  Or write to the Mass Friends of
the Domestic Ferret Group, PO Box 3123, Wakefield, MA 01880
[Posted in FML issue 1235]