Hello, again!
Oh, dear, I've posted twice in the last two days:  I think I'm getting
addicted!  :)
I was wondering if anybody knew of any ferret shelters in the Cleveland/
Akron, Ohio area.  I am looking for a fuzzy for my grandfather who took care
of Chloe for a couple of weeks and fell in love with her.  I've decided that
he needs one of his own and since I am a college student and thus poor, I
thought that a shelter would be the way to go.  I also could probably be
talked into getting another of my own.  (I think my lady could use a friend)
Also, does anyone out there know if putting woodchips on cage bottoms (under
the grate) would control odor better than plain old newspaper?  Small dorm
rooms and 90-degree humid Ohio weather plus ferret do not equal anything
exactly efervescent!  Thanks again . . .
                                                Katy and Chloe
[Posted in FML issue 1235]