As some of you know, my ferret Max just got another adrenal lesion
after having his left adrenal gland removed a few years back.  The
general consensus was that both adrenal glands could not be removed.
(The FAQ agrees with this)
I took Max to Dr. Joseph Bock of Golden, CO. (whom some of you may
have heard of - I highly recommend him), and he removed the second
gland and put Max on medication.  That was a few days ago, and Max
seems to be doing fine - he bounced back from the surgery as usual.
I'll keep you all up to date on his condition, but it looks like it
may be possible to survive through the removal of both adrenal glands.
On the other hand, it does mean that I have to give him his hydrocortisol
supplements every day or every other day, and if I forget, the results
could be quite disasterous...  But all in all I think it's worth it if
he can continue to have a good life.
Also, some quick replies:
>From:    "Michelle Z. Matta" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: HSVS Answers-- Sort of
>For example, my cousin and his wife have gone through 3 pets in 2 years.
>They get them and then decide they can't handle them and give them away.
No offense, but it seems like your cousin and his wife are slower to learn
than my dog, who usually picks things up on the second try or so...
(Although it is nice to hear that they were at least finding real homes
for the animals and not just abandoning them as so many do)
>From:    "Michelle Z. Matta" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: How to become "Cage-less"?
>If I do away with a cage, what do I do about a hammock?
Why do away with the cage?  When I turned my ferrets 'cage-less,' I left
the cage in my room with the door open, for litter, food and a bed.  They
ended up spending alot of their sleep time in the cage, once they realized
I wasn't going to close the door, and that it was *their* home and none
of the other animals were allowed in.
Max, Sag, Kodi, Cinder, Dave
:oooo / oooooooo: -----------------= [log in to unmask] =---------------- (__) ---
ooo  /--  --- ooo | David Ljung           W: (970) 229-2379          oo )   |
oo  /  / /__/  oo | Hewlett-Packard       H: (970) 282-9853     moo. |_/\   |
ooo     /     ooo | HPPA Design Lab       [log in to unmask]                     |
:oooo  / ooooooo: --= Okay Scotty, very funny..  Now beam down my clothes =--
[Posted in FML issue 1234]