First off, my heart and condolence goes out to all who have lost
kids in the last week.  I just got caught up on a weeks worth of FML so
sorry for the delay.
    Fleas, I had fleas for along time and here in Florida it's a 365 day a
year problem.  What I use besides flea spray and bombing is BORAX 20 Mule
Team.  It's a water softener as well.  You all here in Florida now how
important that is.  I bomb the house first to get rid of any live fleas.
Then within several days I mix 3/4 borax and 1/4 baking soda.  This is also a
great way to get rid of oders.  Mix these powders up and sprinkle on the
carpets, upholstery and even hard wood floors.  Rub it into carpets and
upholstery and let it set for atleast an hour.  I leave it over night.
Vacume up and toss the vacume bag way after.  You don't want those little
buggers to come back out.  Do this twice a year to three times and your
troubles are gone.  As well as of course regular prevention (ie. Baths,
cleaning bedding regularly and flea spray if you find any alive.) DO NOT rub
borax into hardwood floors unless you want to sand your floors down.  Lightly
sweep it into all the cracks and corners then sweep up any excess.  Fleas can
and do make homes out of all those little cracks.  As far as I know Borax is
a ferret friendly way of flea prevention, just don't let them eat it. :-0
    Giving away ferret facts and pamphlets to pet stores, vets, and local
libraries.  I would believe almost all if not all shelters and clubs do
this.  Most pet stores are more than happy to give these away with the
perchase of a new ferret.  We were thinking of doing this with the FAQ but
do to paper, time, and money it's alittle to much.  Although we did give a
copy to all the vets and humane societies in the area.  We do have a real
nice two page pamphlet available threw out most of the counties pet stores.
   To Dr. Williams.  As always your input here is educational and supportive.
Thanks to you, DR. Wise, and Laura many ferrets and their families sleep
better at night.  Well maybe not the ferrets but they sleep all day.  :-)
    Urban thanks for the update on ferret show and I bet your happy you
entered Natasja.  What do presidents know about jugdes anyhow.  Just look at
the USA.  :-)
    Keep up the good work CDFA and FA.  As well as Dick B. and others from
the North East.  I just may be able to fly my kids into Boston after all.
Could you get the bill approved by September.  Please.  :-)
        Brad, and the Gang.
[Posted in FML issue 1204]