I apoligize for hogging the FML with my postings today, but I had to
correct inaccurate assumptions.
In reference to the remarks by the anonymous poster on May 23, 1995:
Nobody _ever_ said that the BFF was threatened with extinction on June 1,
1995.  On June 1, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is planning to release
about 100 BFF into the South Dakota Badlands (RE: FML 5/18/95).  Carolyn
Kinsey ((719) 391-2627) is a volunteer with the National Biological
Survey for the USFWS.  I have spoken to her at length about this matter
and she is genuine in her concern for these ferrets.  Most, she states,
are as tame as pet ferrets.  Nearly all are predicted to die within a few
days due to coyotes, exposure, etc.  The main reason for the expected
mortality is the fact that these ferrets are about 5 years old (beginning
geriatric age) and some are missing teeth along with having other medical
I have written President Clinton, Vice President Gore, Senator Arlen
Specter, Senator Rick Santorum, and Representative James Greenwood.
Fortunately, it will receive public attention tommorrow in my local paper.
PLEASE write your congressional representatives and/or call them!
If you need more info, contact Carolyn Kinsey at the above number
or me if you never saw the notice concerning this.
Jim Cristea
   & Cody
<[log in to unmask]>
(215) 946-1846 (Evening)
(609) 799-0400 x3209 (Day)
[Posted in FML issue 1204]