Just thought I would add my two cents to the subject of squeek toys.
All of my jills love squeek toys, but...
I don't think they like to hear them squeek.  I believe their maternal
instincts are taking over when they hear them squeeking.  All of mine
will coming running at the first squeek.  They will hiss and chuckle and
try to take the toys away.  When they do get them, they will take them to
their special hiding place.  One of my ferrets, Gretal, had a false
pregnancy recently and she would come and take the squeek toy from me and
round up all the other squeek toys and put them in a krinkle bag, which
is in a box in the living room.  The box is generally used to keep their
toys in when they are not out playing.  Anyway, she proceeds to put all
the squeek toys in this bag, climbs in with them and pull them all up
close to her and starts licking them and cuddles them.  Judging from her
behavior, I do believe that she thinks they are her babies.  All my other
jills have somewhat similar behavior patterns with the squeek toys just
not to that great extent.  They will chuckle and hiss until you give them
the toys and don't really mind if you hold them unless you squeek them.
Then they will take them and hide them.
I really feel bad for Gretal and am anxious for her to be pregnant.  I
am hoping that she is now, but we'll just have to wait and see.  It just
seems like she wants to be a mommy so bad, that it makes me feel bad that
she isn't.
Jena - take heart, I'm sure Bee doesn't really mean to hurt you, but she
probably feels like she is protecting her baby.
Pat and the gang...
Princess and her eight babies, Apache and her baby, XCaret and her six
babies, Jeri, Snowflake, Cherokee, Gretal, Navajo Jo aka JoJo, Lucci and
her two babies.
[Posted in FML issue 1204]