I'm glad that Dr. Williams answered Judy about her two surgery situation.
Weezul has every physical and behavioral symptom that screams of adrenal
disease.  Apparently your vets are not familiar with Occam's Razor.  I can't
believe they ignore a very common problem that presents all of these
symptoms and pursue these more arcane possibilities that are proving to be
dead ends.  I have a ferret that had an adrenal removed.  At the time of
surgery, the other looked normal.  After 3 months of recovery, the problem
has returned and he is now scheduled for a 2nd surgery.  Here is another
case of a "good" looking organ gone bad.  If a cursory visual examine were
enough, pathology would not exist.  Get the adrenals tended to by your
current vet or another one that will listen, you are the customer!  (I tried
to e-mail this direct, but every permutation of the address failed.)
The BFF is NOT threatened with extinction on June 1st.  I belong to an
organization that helps fund the effort and we get regular reports.  There
are now five breeding sites to prevent a single point failure in the
program.  These older ferrets were the original wild captures and these and
all others are handled very carefully to prevent any acclimation to humans.
They are not tame.  The coyotes are more of a direct threat as a carrier  of
distemper than as a predator.  The fact that there are any wild births from
the released animals is a positive change.  Remember, the whole purpose is
to return the BFF as a viable WILD species.  At the risk of seeming callous,
eggs have to be broken to make an omelet.  A lot of learning about the
problems is gained from the failures.  There are plenty of caring people
involved in this.
Got to go get ready to travel to England to queue up for the free ferrets!
[Posted in FML issue 1203]