I wish to thank those of you who wrote in response to the passing of my sweet
Cinnamon Bear. She is still here, in spirit, and our memories of her will keep
her alive in our hearts forever.  I know, from being a long time reader of FML
that many of you have had to say goodbye to your furries now and then. The
grieving is normal and healthy. I know, CB's adoptive brother left us three
years ago and if it hadn't been for the support of ferret folks like you, I may
have put a cap on the number of  'kids' I had at three. I still have eight
others to share the love. It is not completely by coincidence that the Guest
Speaker at the next meeting of the GCFA is a Psychotherapist spedcializing in
pet loss counseling.  That meeting will be on Friday, June 9th at 7:30 pm in
Downers Grove, IL at Lincoln Center (935 Maple). Those of you who live in the
Chicago Area who have lost ( or are about to lose) a furry friend, are welcome
to attend the meeting. Guests are welcome and refreshments will be served at
Again, thanks for your support.
Roger  McMillian
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[Posted in FML issue 1202]