Are there any FML readers from Athens, Georgia, or the surrounding
area?  If so, would you please contact me off-list?  I have a question
about the ferret rescue situation in Athens-- it's a college town,
several of the local pet stores sell ferrets, and if the ferret
situation is analogous to that of cats and dogs sold to students, many
might face abandonment when their owners finish school and leave town.
I've been here for nearly six years and several of the houses I've
lived in came with a "resident" cat or dog, left behind by the previous
owners, usually students who couldn't take the animal with them.  Is
there a ferret rescue problem in Athens?  If so, how can I volunteer to
Dr. Michael Camann              [log in to unmask]
Department of Entomology        [log in to unmask]
University of Georgia           (706) 542-2303 voice
Athens, GA 30602                (706) 542-2640 FAX
[Posted in FML issue 1181]