I work with pesticides etc at extension and I would like to strongly
suggest that no one put mothballs in their vacuum cleaner bag or anywhere
else that the fumes will be "sniffable" by humans or pets.  Both types of
mothballs are quite toxic and should be used (if at all) only in sealed
containers.  Anything that smells strongly of mothballs should not be
worn until it is thoroughly aired out.  I know of at least two deaths due
to misuse of these materials.  I would especially worry about kittens and
ferrets due to their chemical sensitivity.  Our Snoopy hardly makes a
sound.  I guess he chuckles as I don't know what a dook sounds like.  We
are all out of blue toilet scrubs just now until I find the latest stash.
Be careful!
Pat, Bob (you said he couldn't climb!) and Snoopy (of course it is
mine, everything here is mine)
[Posted in FML issue 1201]