to:    DOUGLAS SCHOLTES and others...
Fleas are nasty because ferrets are so low to the ground that they just
become natural flea pickeruppers.
1.  May I suggest using Dr. Bonner's Peppermint soap - my ferrets just love
    it and peppermint is a natural flea repellent.  It is safe enough to drink!
    Wash the ferret laundry in the peppermint soap to inhibit fleas too!
2.  Vacuumm every other day and use flea powder the first time to suck up
    and kill the fleas IN the vaccuum cleaner.
3.  Do NOT use flea control collars on ferrets.  Sometimes safe to wear
    around the neck, but not when chewed upon!!!
4.  Remove as much carpeting from the ferret play area as possible.  Fleas
    love to hide in carpet, furniture, etc. so don't forget to treat these
5.  Use a very fine metal toothed flea comb and comb the ferrets daily,
    dipping the fleas from the comb in a dish/glass of soap solution.  soap
   kills fleas.
Good Luck!
Pam Grant
STAR* Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1201]