I just wanted to drop a quick note--I was curious about the BFFs from the
postings on the internet and the FML and made a few phone calls tonight.  A
point I think needs stressing at this moment is there are not that many people
working in the fuzzies corners--everybody just seems to be watching assuming
this is some type of huge government project with massive investment, resourses,
and interest.  This is simply not the case--the species is threatened to become
extint simply due to a $10,000 budget cut and red tape.  Carolyn Kinsey has
recieved only a few phone calls and is very discouraged.  I havn't talked with
her myself yet, but she has lots of info--ie video tape for TV news etc. Please
don't assume somebody else is doing something, because at the moment they
aren't.  I'm sure money and moral support are appreciated, but please, there are
much more people working on legalizing the domestic ones than trying to keep
this species alive (both are worthy causes).
Also, with reguards to Buster--his is doing much better, probably from the
antibiotic injections and really chowing down.  But frequently, half his stool
looks a little like coffee grids, but normal color.  There is a minute amount a
yellowish mucus.  There is no dark discoloration or tary appearance though.
What would these signs indicate?
[Posted in FML issue 1200]