I see both green diarrhea and the infamous "greenies" mentioned in the same
sentence.  Are the same thing?  Or is one a worse condition of the other?  Or
are the completely separate disorders?
Now I know a lot of you are going to respond stating varying experiences.  I
don't need a lot of response. Ten or twelve will do.  Thank you ahead of time
for the info.
One other note:  have any of you had your ferret talk?  Mine did and he told me
the meaning of life.  Sorry I can't share this with anyone.  it was a private
Matt (I said I was in charge but now I only have ninie toes.)
Farley, the all-knowing (For a banana I'll tell you anything!)
Bailey, innocent bystander (So what if I ate the toe.  Just remember how cute
I am!)
[Posted in FML issue 1199]