Hello all..
I was talking to a friend yesterday, and she described how she saw a
ferret in the store, on a bed of curly wood chips. I said that that was
bad for the ferret. My friend said that someone she knows keeps two
ferrets in wood chips all the time. I said that it was bad for ferrets,
from what I'd learned from this list. My friend replied with "Well it
could be worse." Well YES the person could be TORTURING her ferrets, but
let's get real!
Is it cedar chips that are bad for fuzzies, or are all wood chips bad?
[log in to unmask]  U of S Computing Services   Saskatoon, Sask
----------------------------Just Due It----------------------------
"I like to think that there's a little Hamlet in all of us. Not that
melancholy stuff. Or being a prince. But I've always believed that we
should have a little Danish in us. Especially in the morning."--L.Nielsen
****Take time every day to do something silly. - Philippa Walker****
[Posted in FML issue 1199]