Our "wandered in" first ferret Snoopy has a fetish mania for blue plastic
toilet scrubbers.  He weighs 3# and the scrubber is longer than he, but I
have retrieved it from behind dressers, buried in a large plant container,
stuffed in a sleeping bag.  He has already broken the heads off two and
goes wild when he sees one.  Another fetish is the innersoles from my
husbands shoes (which now rest on top of the TV when not on his feet) and
my leather hiking boots (weigh more than he does, but go down the hall at
30 mph) which now rest on top of the laundry sink.  He has long since
conquered couches, chairs and some tables.  His favorite treat is
Ferretone, followed by cherrios (plain) and dog treats (esp.  jerky).  He
shows no "hand" preference but stands up as well as a Meerkatz.  He plays
wildly with our Siamese Kuching and our Shihtsu Mopsie.  Our other cat
Pooka and the sheep dog Purpie mostly ignore him.  A million thanks to all
the great ferret people who have brought us from total ignorance to novice
state.  Snoopy has run of the house, attached greenhouse and solarium
except at bedtime, when he is retired to his condo.  He loves to mix the
potting soil for me and is an expert unpotter.  Can't understand why mama
gets so upset when he does that.  All I can say is Ferrets are really Fun!
Thanks to all of you.
Pat Patterson and hubbie (wait-a-minute, that's mine!) Bob.
[Posted in FML issue 1198]