I have 4 ferrets, which means if one of them is sick, its a pain to
figure out which one it is.  I now have all 4 in seperate cages so I
can see who's sick.
I've had the green virus last october-december.  Still, I see green
stools every now and again.  Recently, one of my kids has diahrea a
little, after the green virus, their poops have often looked more like
coffee grounds than anything else, and this seems to be a side effect of
the green virus, so I don't worry about it too much, it comes and goes.
This morning, however, I looked in the litter box and it "looked" like
pee - yellow and all, but when I looked closer, it looked funny.  I have
litter boxes with newspaper in them for around the house (when I give
them free run) and in my room, there's real litter filled boxes.
Anyways, I picked up the newspaper litter pan, and found that the pee
looking substance was more like a gel.  It didn't "flow" it was sort of
mucousy.  It had some red things in it (just little pieces of red, almost
the shape of a spice leaf or something), and it looked to have "bubbles"
on the top.  Very bizarre.  I think it was pee - maybe it was poop too,
but it was clear to yellow so...
All of my ferrets have been real active, except one of my males.  He
never really recovered from the green virus, and if he plays, its only
in short bouts, he'll run and then just stop dead on the floor and lay
down (I'd once heard this might be related to a heart condition but
I read the medical FAQ on heart stuff and I didn't see anything too
pertinent as of yet).  He's 3.5 years old.  He's been real lethargic
lately, so that concerns me.
I have a female who got the greenies the worst and she LOVES to eat
anything cotton - socks, rugs, etc.  She'll sit for hours and digest
string or just chew on my sweat pants... I don't let her do this,
sometimes I find her too late.  A little laxitive and she's fine.
She's been real hyper lately, so I don't think its her... but why
is she so fixated on "chewing"?  She's 6.5 years old.
Thanks for the help,
Scooter, Nina, Tavi Bear, and Bailey Nutmeg.
[Posted in FML issue 1197]