I guess that we are into it big time now.  <GRIN> After the vote
and Sharon's interview Monday, the story went on the AP wire.
    Quite a few people know that we have fuzzies, and sure enough the
local paper called here too.  Well one thing led to another, and after
showing R&S to Rep Barbara Grey last week and getting such a warm
reception, and then the vote (it was unanimous we found out) in the
House, well how could I not give a complete interview??
    The reporter was really interested and called us several times to get
facts and other sources, and then came out to the house with a
photographer for an hour and a half of additional questions.  We loaded
him up with all sorts of good material, and the result was a long and
VERY positive front page story making the following points:
. Ferrets are illegal pets, and by 'going public' we put ourselves at risk.
. We have 'decided to break our silence' in order to mobilize other
  ferret owners in order to get ferrets made legal. [Call your Senator(s)]
. We have banded together with others on the Internet as "Massachusetts
  friends of the Domestic Ferret.
. Ferrets are 'cute, cuddly, use the litter box, and 'lick your ears to
  get you up in the morning'.
. They never outgrow their playful nature, but are not recommended for
  'neat  freaks' because they do things that drive you nuts like
  digging in the dirt of your house plants.
. The MSPCA & Fisheries & Wildlife support the bill because it will allow
   veterinarians to give rabies shots.
. There are five thousand ferrets in Mass and around eight million in the
. The proposed law prohibits their sale in pet stores to discourage
  impulse buying.
. It is an old wives tale that ferrets seek out children and eat them.
  They have sharp teeth, but a child would more likely hurt a ferret than
  the other way around.
    Keep those cards and lettters coming folks.  The Senate needs to hear
from you, call the Hot Line at (617)224-1098 for the latest information,
or e-mail myself or Sharon.
[Posted in FML issue 1197]