Axel had the lump on the side of his neck removed today. The surgery went
well and Axel came through it just fine. Unfortunately, the lump wasn't just
under the skin as we had thought but deeper into it. My vet is concerned
that it is lymphatic tissue. Won't know for sure til the pathology report
comes back. Axel was also neutered at the same time which I'm sort of
regretting now. If it is lymphoma or something serious I think the extra
hormones may have been helpful in fighting it. Whole ferrets seem to weather
illnesses better than altered ones. On the plus side, except for an enlarged
spleen, Axel is big and strong and active. I'm going now to pick him up.
I'll keep you all informed.
Dr. Williams, my vet is sending the tissue sample to you at AccuPath. Since
I'd want to start treatment as soon as possible we're going the quickest
route. It will go out tomorrow as overnight delivery so hopefully you will
have it by Thurs.
Well, I worried for the last two weeks about the surgery, now I can worry
about the pathology results. Keep all your paws and fingers crossed!
[Posted in FML issue 1196]