To Regina:
>In Elfyr's post yesterday about Finnegan's unfortunate cat encounter
>(happy for you that it wasn't worse!), Elfyr mentioned a third eyelid.
>How many eyelids do ferrets have?  Are the inner one(s) clear?
        Regina - ferrets only have two eyelids, unlike dogs and cats which have
a third (also known as a nictitating membrane, which can also slide up and over
the cornea - you may notice this in dogs and cats which are sleeping but which
have their eyelids slightly open.
Bruce Williams, DVM, DACVP              Department of Veterinary Pathology
[log in to unmask]               Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
[log in to unmask]             Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
(202) 782-2600/2602
[Posted in FML issue 1195]