Lo Diane!
  Our fuzzy (Sid) was doing the same thing when we first got him.  We
tried two different litter types before we found one he wouldn't play
in.  The first two had a definate scent, and when he would scratch in it,
he would burry his nose in it and sneeze like crazy.  This led us to
believe it had to do with either the perfume (which he goes crazy over,
especially if it is on toilette paper or napkins) or the fact that he
just LOVES to dig in dirt.  So, we came across this stuff called
Yesterdays News.  I gues it's made out of recycled newspapers.  It
doesn't really have an odor, and Sid leaves it alone (except to "do his
thing").  It's kinda weird, 'cause it looks like rabbit pellets!  Anyway,
try a few different types.  That might do the trick.
Joe, Michelle, and Sid Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 1195]