I am beginning to get a bit tired of the reactions I get when Tasha (6mo
Blaze) and I go to the Farmer's Market every Sat.  I don't mind the
people who say "Is that a possum?" or "Aren't ferrets wild?", but there
are other reactions that are more frustrating and I would like some help
in learning how to deal with them.  This week one of the venders told us
about his experience when a friend of his with a toddler called him to
ask for his assistance with their ferret who had "cornered" the toddler
and was attacking it.  What do you say to this?  I asked some questions
and it sounded like a case of neglect of both the toddler and the ferret,
but it is still hard to address these situations.  I all can say is "That
has not been my experience at all, my ferret is sweet and lovable and
with the proper attention and care they are great pets"
Another guy came up to us and said, "Is that your first ferret?  Because
you will soon hate them.  I had three and I hated them.  Before lomg you
will hate them."  I looked at him in bewilderment and gave my little girl
a big kiss.  She is sooo sweet.  How can so many people be so wrong?
Michelle and Tasha (Can I eat your veggies, please)
[Posted in FML issue 1194]