To Suki Crandall:
>Obviously, Bruce sees many organs, and obviously he learns a great
>deal from them; he also learns from all the kisses and cuddles he gets
>daily from the ferrets he loves.
    Thanks for the goo word, Suki - I've just left that whole situation be -
vets can get upset and say things that they don't really mean in the heat or
argument - I have been doing Dr. Kanton's path for four years now, and we
seemed to have a preety good rapport, so I'm not sure where her remarks are
coming from.
    Remember - I practiced veterinary medicine before I went to pathology,
and I still practice a little now.  I think I know a little about live
ferrets - and remember - dead ferrets only comprise 40% of my total cases -
most submissions are biopsies...
Nuff said,,,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 1194]