To Stacy and whoever else:
    I too just got a new kitten for my wife, who's cat died back in January.
I took Salena to the pet store with me to help pick out the "new kid".  They
had a male and female "tiger" cats left and I wanted to be sure that Salena
(the Ferret) and the newbie got along.  The male kitten was very "stand
offish" and apprehensive.  Salena went over to check him out and then went
about checking out the store.  So I put the male back and got out the female.
She was not nearly as apprehensive, the male just "cat stared" at Salena and
hardly moved, the female actually started to run around and play a bit,
although I don't think she knew what a ferret was.  At any rate, I bought the
female and brought it home to my wife today.  Wife was "overjoyed" as she was
just about "ready" for another cat.  Salena checked out the kid some more,
then went about "re-conning" the entire floor, and the kitten started
checking out stuff as well.  The kitten really like all the plants that
Tammie (wife) is trying to grow.  A few times the kitten and Salena would
chase each other around a bit and seemed to be getting along just fine.
There were no fights or wrestling at this point.  Kitten as born 3/24 and
Salena is almost 4 so I'd just suggest that you (or anyone else) just take it
slow and easy and be around in case trouble does break out.  I do think that
Salena will be teaching the kitten some ferret tricks as the kitten follows
Salena more than the other way around.
-- Tim, Tammie (wife), Salena (what the heck is that furrball),
kitten as yet unamed (what the heck is that fuzzball, and where
the heck am I).
[Posted in FML issue 1193]