Hi all,
Our sable M ferret's name is Frasier.  We think the name fits him to a "T" .
He is kind of odd though...doesn't like raisins, bananas, peanut butter,
or ice cream. Loves cool whip.  My first question is How much is safe for him?
He also plays like a submarine, putting his nose down in the water up to his
ears, blowing bubbles sometimes and get this, he licks the water off the
bottom of the water bowl. The water must be better down on the bottom?
The strangest thing he does is this.  He has a small purple stuffed
dinosaur, yes it's name is Barney, (see FROM:), no more than 5 minutes after
we open his cage door when we get home from work he goes back inside to take
Barney out and hide him in one of about 4 stategic locations!  He will never
let Barney stay in tha cage. Any thoughts on this?
Also we took him to the park last weekend. He was running after our daughter,
then he got tired and layed down on a table.  After about 20 minutes he
looked like he was about to go to sleep but there was a little saliva coming
out the side of his mouth.  I took him home right away as I thought he was
getting to hot and in danger but before we got him inside the house, a 2
minute trip, he was running around and back to his old self.  Didn't seem to
want too much water either.  It was about 80 outside with a nice little
breeze. Can anyone tell me if he was actually getting too hot?
Thanks! And we really have learned a lot about fuzzies from this mail list!
it is appreciated :)
Tom & Connie  -- the humans
Fraiser "c'mon Barney we're blowing this popsicle stand!"
[Posted in FML issue 1192]