In reference to what I said about my babies getting ticks, I think partly
why the vet said it was pretty rare was partly because they're more of an
indoor pet and also because when we found Geisha it was the first warm
weekend of March and there wouldn't be many ticks running around Ontario at
that time of the year. The condition she was in when we found her, definitely
suggested neglect - and her canines were all broken down to about the same
length. It's *possible* that this happened accidentally, but all four??! I
more suspect someone didn't have the patience to teach her not to nip and
thought "I'll fix you" and pulled out the needlenose pliers! Give me their
address and a baseball bat!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Maybe I'm being
overly pessimistic, but I worked as a volunteer at the local Humane Society
back home when I was in my early teens and saw some pretty nasty stuff that
just made you HATE people! (including a very nice dog which was seized from
its owner because the neighbours caught him practising beastiality with the
poor thing! SICK, SICK, SICK!!!!)
Anyways, onto a much lighter note - last night, it was getting late but
before I went to bed I decided I needed something to drink. Buster decided to
help and followed me to the kitchen. I pulled out the plastic pitcher full of
strawberry Kool-Aid and it immediately slipped from my hand and hit the
floor. Sh*t! The corner hits the floor just right and sploosh! there's a red
flood all over!!! I grabbed the container and tossed it in the sink beofre
it was totally empty and grabbed the broken bit and threw it out. All the
time, Buster is bouncing about, so excited that he;s not sure whether to
dance like the little spaz he is or to lap up as much as possible before I
can clean up the mess! I grabbed a towel and added to his dilemna - now do
I act like a nut, drink this great stuff or attack the towel???? Decisions,
decisions!! He ended up choreographing all three together! Thank goodness the
other three had fallen asleep by this time or I would have had four very
sticky ferrets on my hands! When the mess was cleaned up and Buster had
settled down, I went to put him to bed and noticed pinky-red spots in his
fur where the Kool-Aid had splashed him. I was too tired and there was a
very small amount so I figured I'd let him and his buddies clean it up!
I know there was something else to mention but it's getting late so therefore
senility is kicking in! Oh well, next posting!
From myself and the members of LAPRA - have a bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun
Georgette Peters
Steacie Library - x.55084
Do the ferret frolic of life!
[Posted in FML issue 1192]