Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has posted privately to me,
including Debbie and Gary.  I understand where you were coming from now,
and want to apologize myself for taking offense at a trivial
misunderstanding.  All of the private postings brought me tears of joy, as
all of you really now how to put things very eloquently!
To Dr. Williams,
I have a 3 1/2 year old female Marshall Farms ferret (Zola) who had an
adrenal tumor taken out last year after she began losing weight and hair,
and her vulva was swollen.  Now, a year later, she's losing weight again
and her vulva is swollen.  I knew immediately that her second one was
acting up, and my vet agrees.  A classmate suggested using Lysodren to
specifically kill the adrenal cortex, and to use it as a titration to
effect.  My vet is curious whether we can remove the second one and
supplement her on Prednisolone for the rest of her life.  I prefer not to
put her throught this risky surgery if I can target the adrenal with
Lysodren.  What is your experience with both of these options?  Thanks for
your time!  Carie Guppy, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary
Medicine, Class of 1997 ( and her Zoo)
[Posted in FML issue 1191]