First of all there has been something mentioned about Modern Ferret Magazine.
I would love to subscribe, so if someone would kindly send some information
my way I would appreciate it.
My female ferret, Maggie loves to eat soap, and when in the bathtub, will
do anything to get it from the side of the tub.  I have no idea why she likes
it so much....another mystery to me. I wouldn't think that it would be a great
thing to let her have though, so I make sure to keep it in safe quarters. At
Atleast she's not the only "soap queen" out there.
Also, I have been thinking about building an outside play area for my two and
constantly think of various ways to build it.  Of course the bottom would have
to be secure, and they are wonderful climbers......when I actually start
building it which will be later on this summer I'll have my plan on paper. Until
then, any ideas would be wonderful.
My guys love cherrios, but it's funny...they have to be honeynut cherrios.
Tried to give them the regular cherrios before, which I personally find
unappetizing, and they didn't seem to like them either. I only give them
a couple each morning otherwise I'd be running to the grocery store every
2 days.
One thing that I have learned from my two ferrets is that they can get into
anything. Don't ever say, "Oh, they aren't capable of getting on the kitchen
table or of doing this or that....because...they can do anything." That's
what makes them so interesting....."smart little guys aren't they?"
Enough babbling.
Melanie and the gang (Gizmo and Maggie)
[Posted in FML issue 1191]