Hi All!
    A second post I know!  Someone wrote about their ferret not using the
box.  Idefix would use the box, but not Adhemar.  He would go up to the
side, look in and sniff and then go right beside it.  So I figured it was
because he was too lasy to jump in.  ( Although I don't knoe how keen I
would be to jump over a fence when I had a full bladder.) So what i did
was cut down two sides of a litter box and put it in the corner.  Then
Idefix had problems because he had no idea what it was!  So, we put back
the old box and put the cut one beside it.  Well, it worked!  Adhemar
would go to the side of the old litter box and sniff and then would go
beside it, but this time in the new litter box!  So it turned out to work
great.  Although we do have problems when he approaches from the other
angle...But i solved that by putting a rug there that you can use for
winter boots.  Soakes up the "water" and is easy to clean.  I hope that
helps.  Kathy, Paul and Idefix and Adhemar.
[Posted in FML issue 1191]