Same day as Victor had is sutures removed, Hugo and Adele had
complete exam and boost of distemper.
        The vet suggested that it will be good to do a blood test for Adele
(around 5 years old).  He phoned me in the afternoon... cold shower after
the good news for Victor...
Hemotocrit: 50 %
Leucocytes: 10.67 x 1000/mm3
Neutrophiles: 50 %   5.34 x 1000/mm3
Lymphocytes: 43 %    4.59
Monocytes:   1%      .11
Eosinophiles: 6 %    .64
prot. tot       50 g/dl
Comments:  lot(+++) of accumulation of "plaquettes" (don't know
the translation)
        He said that these results suggest a "borderline" lymphoma and
Adele will have a second blood analysis next week send to an other lab to
rule out technical errors.
        If the results confirm the diagnosis, he suggested chimio as
follow:  (Adele is actually symptom-free, don't seems to have any enlarged
lymph node but 2 little mass (fat?) in the inguinal region.
1.  Prednisone          2mg/kg PO q 24 h
2.  Vincristine         .12 mg/kg IV days 1, 7, 14, 21
3.  Cyclophosphamide    10 mg/kg PO  days 3, 24, 46
Hemato the weeks vincristine is given (before treatment)
Stop the treatment X 7 days (not the pred) when lecocytes <= 1000 or HT<=
30 % or plaquettes (again...) had severly decreased.
At the en of vincristine tx, pred x 30 days. Hemoto each 2 weeks
During the third month of tx, pred is diminished gradually
Hemoto at each month, 2 months, etc..
He and I will accept any advice on differential diagnosis and chimio.  We
want the best for her, the most up-to-date with the less side-effects and
the better prognosis if the diagnosis is confirmed.  BTW, I forgot to ask
him, is there chimio side effects like for human???
Thanks, Anne, Victor, I can sleep with Hugo and Adele again 8>
              Hugo, Did I received distemper boost? I just remember that
                    I ate a lot af Nutrical 8>
              Adele, How come an other blood analysis, I'm not sick, I'm
                    a super-ferret, the most wonderfull ferret of the whole
                    world...( OK Adele, we all know that!) :>
Anne Charbonneau        Faculte de medecine dentaire    Universite de Montreal
[log in to unmask]            Tel: (514) 343-5924
[log in to unmask]               Fax: (514) 343-2233
[Posted in FML issue 1190]