Jim wrote about Nibbles dragging her ball around by scooting it under her
chest and backing up.  This is how many mustelids transport eggs (according
to a segment I saw on the Discovery Channel some years ago).  Case in point,
I used to take my Bobbin to the park by a lake.  One day she popped out of
the brush around a tree with a duck egg, and proceeded to scooch backwards
with it to the carrier bag to hide it.  I was about to die laughing when
we were both interrupted by the arrival of a furious mother duck, racing
across the grass, wings flapping, quacking and hissing, neck outstretched.
Knowing Bobbin would be on the losing end of this battle, I snatched her up
and beat a hasty retreat.  The mother duck then rolled the egg with her beak
back to the nest.  I then gave Bobbin tennis balls at home, and she spent
many hours scooting them backwards under her chest.  My other ferrets
preferred to simply push balls ahead of them with their noses.  Bobbin was a
champion bug-killer in the house, and once caught a snake (about 1 foot long)
on the back patio. Unfortunately, her hunting instincts were not THAT good
because she started eating the snake tail first without first completely
killing it.  My dad had to put the poor snake out of its misery.
Erika (and Misty and Sasha and Lizzie)
[Posted in FML issue 1189]