A question, an oddity, and a story...I am forwarding a question from my
wife that I think I have straightened out.  Imrab3 is a 3-year vaccination
for dogs and cats, why is it a 1-year for ferrets?
An oddity...  We have one of those foot massaging tubs that vibrates and
heats the water you put in it.  We had it out a few weeks ago and the water
had epsom salt in it.  Our youngest (K2 (katie)) decided it was neat and
sniffed at the water a little, but then surprised us by repeatedly stick
her face into the water almost up to her ears.  Anybody seen this or know
what she was trying to do?  She usually isn't big on getting her face wet
at all.
A story...I have a friend who was working at a museum (The Pink Palace in
Memphis) and they had some ferrets and lots of other things, like some big
lab rats.  One of the ferrets was about six years old, albino, blind, and
arthritic.  She usually would be allowed to roam the lab while my friend
was there.  One day one of the lab rats escaped and bolted under the
refrigerator.  The ferret went after the rat almost instantly, a few
seconds later my friend heard a scream and then silence.  When he finally
got the refrigerator moved he found the rat dead.  It was basically the
same size as the ferret, but the ferret had offed it in no time.  It seems
that ferrets can be hunters when they feel like it.
[Posted in FML issue 1189]