General post:
    I was talking to Charlie Weiss yesterday and asked him about what
he does with ferrets who react to Fervac-D.  Charlie says that his
first choice is to switch over to Fromm/Galaxy D and that he hasn't
seen a ferret yet (although he has only had to do this with a handful
of ferrets so far) that reacts to both vaccines.
    This is somewhat strange, as most vaccines contain the same
approximate ingredients, but if Charlie says it works, then it works.
    With my own ferrets, (here's the "acid-test of my convictions, folks) -
I would probably go this way first and do the antihistamine treatment
second.  But let's make sur to stay at the vet's for 30 minutes afterward
ALWAYS willing to learn new tricks -
Bruce Williams, DVM  [log in to unmask] or
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[Posted in FML issue 1189]