To Rochelle Newman -
This is purely speculation since I've never heard of this or had any
experience, but could it be a mouth infection of some sort?  An infection
or foreign body lodged somewhere might cause discomfort when eating, hense
the excessive salivation.  It might be a good idea to check it out.
I say this only because having worked at an animal hospital sometimes makes
you think of things you might not if you didn't!  The strange problems
that come thru the door would make good reading for "Ripley's Believe It
or Not!"
A cat came in one night who was drooling excessively and had stopped eating.
After a good exam and an x-ray, it was discovered the cat had been playing
with a sewing needle with a small piece of thread still on it; it lodged
inside her cheek and had pretty much worked itself in about 95% of the way.
After surgery to remove it, the cat was fine.  I'm not suggesting this is
the case with the kit, but it's a good place to start.  (It may even some-
thing as simple as just not liking the food!)
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1188]