I went to a show last weekend. A man whom I talk to at all the shows said
his ferret had a bad reaction to Fervac-D. He called United and reported it
and in so many words asked them if there was a problem with it and they
said they were looking into it. I can only assume from that reply that they
are getting quite a few reports of reactions. I recently spoke with Dr.
Hoffman from the AFA and she said she had received a lot of reports of
reactions. I talked to my vet about it and she wondered if it was just
certain lot numbers. They have not had any problems at the clinic she works
at. (This is a 15 vet practice.) I hear of reactions at every show I go to
yet I've never heard of anyone who had reactions with Fromm-D. Anyone on
this list who has had problems with Fervac-D, if you know the lot # would
you please e-mail it to me and let me know what type of reaction you had.
I'll pass the information on to Dr. Hoffman and my vet. I'm curious to see
if any one lot is involved.
I asked my vet if it would lessen a possible reaction if I pretreated my
ferrets who hadn't previously had any reactions with Benadryl Elixir before
I vaccinate. She said it could possibly lessen a reaction. The dose she gave
me was the same as for cats 1mg/lb. of ferret which works out to .4ml per
pound given approximately 1/2 hour to 45 mins. before vaccinating. If any of
the vets on the list have a different dosage for ferrets I'd appreciate it
if they would post it. I have 3 ferrets to vaccinate this weekend and I'm
going to give them the Benadryl first as a precaution.
[Moderator's note: As a general rule I don't changing wording in posts, but
please note I think the above dose should read 1mg/kg   BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1187]