I do believe I've previously seen mentions of this topic on the FML but
with all the activism developing it has recently reappeared in my thoughts.
(Plus I went to the mall recently and saw them again.) Have you all seen
those "ferret starter kits" that come with wire-mesh outdoor type rabbit
cages or particularly with a stash of pine or cedar shavings for bedding?
Why do we all know this is bad for our fuzzies but the pet stores are
ignorant of this fact? Has anyone approached a pet store about this? How
could you go about trying to get them to change their ways? What info could
I take to them, and from what "authority" that might make some impression?
What acceptable alternatives could be proposed?
We initally used pine shavings because the store did and that's what we
were told. We also had a lot for the other critters we had that DO use it.
Now we use old clothes and "rags." They are much cheaper and are washable
and don't make the kids sneeze. (Our oldest, who was here before we knew
better, has always been a sneezer--surprise.)  I got the first bunch of
"rags" at a car parts store, labelled bag-o-rags, for cleaning and washing
cars. They were made of cuts of sweats material not used in manufacturing.
I don't know that this would be a good alternative to pet stores for cleaning
and all with so many critters in and out. I'm sure wood chips has the, to
them, advantage of being "disposable."
Sorry this post is so long. Any ideas would really be appreciated.
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[Posted in FML issue 1187]