I just had to let everyone know that we've added a new baby to the
family.  She is a six week old light sable.  She's adorable!  Her
introduction to Marti went remarkably well also.  Marti sniffed her and
her cage and then went on her merry way, not paying any attention to the
baby at all!  Later in the evening they did cuddle and slept together.
Marti has been alone since December and I think she was happy to have a
warm body to cuddle with again!  Neither of my other two were "lap"
ferrets, but the baby is sleeping on my lap as I write this.
There has been a lot of talk recently about the kits being sold too
young.  When I called the pet shop before I drove down there, I was told
that they were eight weeks old.  When I arrived however, they were
obviously younger, and I was given a paper stating that they were 6-7
weeks old.
Pam Grant, you mentioned wanting help with state legislation
regulating the ages that they can be sold.  I live in RI where it is
illegal to sell them, is there anything I can do to help?  (I bought
Zoe in CT)
Jenn and Jason,Marti, Zoe(the baby), Bucca(the dog), the three cats:
Zhara, Dottie,Satchel and the as yet unnamed kitten (who also joined
our household yesterday!)
[Posted in FML issue 1187]