HAH, RUDY, what a funny story!!  I had a similar experience.....one of the
women in the Main Pathology office where I work sells makeup products.  She
brings those little perfume pad samples in all the time.  I opened one up
one day, took a deep breath, and said, "Mmmmmmm.......it smells like
ferrets in heat!"  They all looked at me!!!  One of the women said, "Oh
great, I just bought a big bottle of that stuff!"  Everyone was rolling
on the floor.  I told her that I never said it was a BAD smell, I like the
smell of ferrets in heat and baby ferrets (remember, I like skunk smells too!)-
it had a musky scent to it (as many perfumes do) but it reminded me of ferrets
in heat (females that is - NOT MALES!!!).  She has never worn the perfume to
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
PS:  Thank you, Jimmy, for emailing to me the message that you like skunk
smells too!  I guess I might not be so strange after all!!  :)
[Posted in FML issue 1186]