Hello All,
My roommate left our door open and Paulie took another stroll.  Except
this time he was gone for 2 days.  I thought he was gone for good, and
was super-*issed at my roommate.  Well, passed out more fliers and he
had found a nice family to take him in.  We had a big storm Sun.  and
I didn't think he'd make it through that and the resulting cold spell.
But they had  a 3 mo. old hob named Fred and a huge two story cage with
a hammock. I never thought Paulie would like it, but they said that
Paulie kept kicking Fred out of it so he could sleep. I think the little
girl did not want to give Paulie up because we so calm and she could
cuddle him, while their ferret just wanted to run and play being so
young. They don't know much about ferrets, but obviously were treating
him nice. I'm going to give them a copy of the FAQ, so they have some
ready advice.
Also, on the subject of ferret feelings. My ferrets are not the overly
licking kind nor do they groom each other, but when Nick was sick and
had convulsions right before he died the saddest thing I think I ever
seen was when he had his convulsion and Paulie came running in and
starting licking his face and ears. It was like he knew, and so sad.
He used to chatter and giggle, but since Nick left he has made nary
a sound. I think this summer I am going to get him a friend. I like
black eyed whites, so Debbie you may be hearing from me soon.
Home again, Yeah
Doug and Paulie
[Posted in FML issue 1185]