A few days ago our division secretary was having a minor glitch with her
computer and she asked me to help her with it.  I had just gotten in and
this was the first social contact of the day.  I took my jacket off and went
to her office.
As I sat by her and massaged the keyboard, I began to notice a distinctive
musky odor and it got increasingly stronger as time went by.  A couple of my
ferrets had been unusually rowdy that morning and were all over me.  I
figured that they had left their mark.  Since I had several meetings that
day, I got concerned that people would think I hadn't showered for some
time.  I was trying to distract Liz so I could sniff my shirt and figure out
how bad things were.  No matter where I sniffed, I couldn't find the source.
 Maybe it was my hair?  A few waves of the hand around my head didn't
identify the source.  Finally, I broke down and asked Liz if she had a new
perfume.  That was it!   Fortunately, she knows about my crew so she didn't
kick my butt when I told her she smelled like my ferrets.  Morale:  The odor
that we so often try to lessen is the object of others' desire.  However,
Liz hasn't worn it since!
   ( )--( )
   /o o )  \   Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
  O___,     \_
[Posted in FML issue 1185]