Hi All!  My name is Christa Besherse and I am from Lawton, Oklahoma.
I've been subscribed to the FML for a week or so now and I'm ready
to put in my 2 cents!!
1)  For everyone who has been posting about problems with your kids digging
    holes in the carpet,  I saw the greatest thing...Soft Paws.  I'm not
    sure if they work, but the idea is right!  They are little vinyl nail
    covers that you slip right over the natural nail!  You just trim your
    ferret's nail, put a drop of the special glue in the cover, and slip it
    over the natural nail!  They are supposed to stay on for 4 to 6 weeks
    before re-application is necessary!  Even more...They come in designer
    colors! Clear, Hot Pink, Neon Yellow, Black, and Electric Blue!  This is
    a great option to declawing (which is what I had done) and your sweetie
    gets the latest fashion in nail color!!!
2)  Does anyone know where I can purchase health insurance for my ferret?  I
    have seen cat and dog policies, but NO FUZZIES!  This would be a great
    convenience as vet bills can get quite large!!
3)  Pete has been showing signs of insulinoma, but all of his blood work checked
    out OK.  His doctor also checked him for kidney failure but that too is OK.
    She suggested that with maturity his body may be utilizing protein in a
    different way and that I try giving him different formulas of food until he
    begins to gain some weight back.  Has anyone heard of this?  I trust my
    doctor, but it seems so unusual.
christa jo
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[Posted in FML issue 1184]