Last March, when my friend found my little female, Geisha, who was abandoned
by her previous 'so-called owners' - we're certain she was neglected and maybe
abused - we found she had ticks. My vet, Dr. Axelson, here in Toronto said
that it's quite rare for ferrets to get ticks unless they pick it up from
another animal - these jerks probably also had an indoor/outdoor cat/dog that
wasn't well taken care of either. The night my boyfriend and I found them on
her, we were just drying off her from a bath and Dave found a little bump,
moved some fur and OH YUCK! We filled the sink with HOT water, got out the
tweezers and plucked off a bunch of them. We left a few to show the vet the
next day. Dr. Axelson gave me some shampoo (can't recall the brand) and
flea/tick powder that was ferret-safe and gave her anther bath and continued
with searching her and plucking the nasty things. In the meantime, we kept her
away from the boys, washed her bedding OFTEN and after about two weeks, she
was tick-free but I kept a close eye on her for about a month.
I'm sure the vets have more specific info - especially in the area of brands
of shampoo, etc. One positive thing though, (yes positive) they were ALOT
easier to get rid of than fleas which a cat of mine brought home several years
back when he went missing for almost two weeks - AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!
Good luck!
Georgette Peters
Steacie Library - x.55084
Do the ferret frolic of life!
[Posted in FML issue 1184]