I just found something rather odd with my new kit.  After bringing him
back from the vet for his first rabies vaccine, I spent some time playing
with him and holding him.  While stroking his tail I noticed a lump about
one inch from the tip of the tail.  I checked further and realized that
it wasn't exactly a lump.  It appeared to be a break in the tail that has
already healed.  I came to this conclusion because the tail bends at
about a 45 degree angle right after the bump.  Rascal shows no signs of
discomfort when I touch the area.
Just to let you know - Rascal is about 12 weeks old and already weighs in
at 2.2 pounds.  He is a little fiesty and most certainly a biter.  This I
attribute to his young age.  Again, he shows no visible signs of pain or
discomfort.  Should I have the vet look at it ASAP?  Is there something I
can do?  Should I be concerned at all?
Thanks for all of the help!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1183]