To JuliePaul at AOL...  Just wanted to share with you...  My first
ferret Sunset, a one year old albino when I found her, was VERY mellow.
Well, after a year she started to gain a lot of weight and get a little
lazy.  So I decided to get a friend for her.  Enter Shadow, an 8 week old
MF Sable female.  At first Sunset didn't take much interest in Shadow's
"Play,Play,Play" mode.  But a year and a half later, they definetly found a
happy medium.  They really snuggle and play together great.  Hopefully our
new addition Kyle, a 3 year old male, will enjoy the girls and still stay
the snuggly lap ferret he has been.
    On Silver Mitt Coloring...  Ok, I'm going to _try_ and describe what
Kyle looks like, so get ready to visualize it.  I believe Kyle to be a half
Silver Mitt half Albino if there is such a thing.  He has a white
"undercoat", then a soft yellowish color that's layered on top, and mixed
with medium brown at the "tips" of his hair.  (From a distance this looks
silverish.) His head, neck, and feet are white.  he has no "mask" at all.
And his eyes are a dark red.  Is this unusual at all?
    He would look absolutely beautiful, if it weren't for the shaved
neck ;-)  His blood count was fine anyway, and he looks so cute.
    Megan & Mike           The Wild Kingdom
    [log in to unmask]         Fuzzies : Sunset, Shadow, Kyle
                               Puppies : Bizmark, Zepplin
[Posted in FML issue 1210]