Hello all!  I wanted to let you know that my Lisa-da-weazul is winning
the carpet shark battle.  We don't let her into our bedroom (because she
gets under our king size bed and digs at the mattress) and she has decided
that it is her goal in life to get into that room.  We had the door
closed but it is hard for us to 'sneak' into that room without fighting
her off.  We decided to put a piece of wood in the doorframe that we
could walk over but she couldn't get over.  That didn't stop the digging
but allowed us easy access (we were already using this system to keep her
out of the kitchen where there are many holes in the walls under the
cabinets).  The other day I sat down by the bedroom door to read so that
she couldn't get to her digging spot and she immediately used me as a
ladder to get over the board.  I was laughing so hard and yelling at my
husband to come see how smart she was, which he still will not admit,
that she got over.  Well I guess that gave her courage to try other
things.  Mind you this board is almost three feet high and just a smooth
plank of wood.  Sunday morning eating breakfast I could see that she was
jumping straight up and sliding down the board.  I smirked and said you
can try that all day but you won't get over it.  Well she showed me.  I
swear she jumped and slid for 5 minutes straight and sure enough--it got
quiet--and I looked over just in time to see her slinkying her way over
the board.  I ran over and she was just a chuckling and darting around
the room.  Of course I never thought she could do it again, put her out,
and with the first jump she was on top, slinkying over again.  Needless
to say we are shutting the door again.  By the way, she can be anywhere
in the house and hear that door open and make a beeline for it.
Persistent little monsters aren't they!!!!
About her tooth, her left canine has turned a caramel color on the very
tip.  She seems to be eating fine and such but I noticed it play time
about a week ago.  Is there any way this could be related to the fact
that I started giving her Linatone about a week ago?  By the way, she
loves the Linatone straight, while the cats tried to cover their food
when I put it on there.
Lastly, on treats, Lisa absolutely loves chicken Pounce (cat treats).
No other treat has she liked except for the linatone.  I
taught her from day one to come to me clucking my tongue and she would
get a treat.  We have a 'trap door' in the bottom of her cage so that she
can get in and out without us opening the top cover (because then the
cats get in to eat her Iams kitten food which they think is just the
cats meow!!).  Whenever she gets put up I don't even have to pick her up.
I just walk into her room clucking and she comes running in, climbs in
through the hole and I slide shut the trap door.  She gets her Pounce
and we get a little peace!! :)
Sorry so long, but finally got the time to write.
Lindy and Lisa-da-weazul + cats Josh, Katie, and Aldo, and malamute
Sammy (who will never meet the munchkins or the cats except thru a window!)
Missoula, MT
[Posted in FML issue 1209]