Hi all,
  Well, so far I've had one response about Harold's violence (thanks
Jeri!). I was wondering if, although Harold does not spray & is
supposedly fixed, could there have been a mistake?
  Kim:  Hi. I live in Raleigh, NC. I have two "illegal" apartment
ferrets. Since, as you said, not many places will allow them here, I
didn't even ask. They are good here about notifying us if they are going
to come in. We put Harold & Scooter in the cage in the bedroom with door
shut for the day. On top of the cage is a blanket which folds down over
the cage and on top is a bunch of stuffed animals + a TV. It's been 9
months now & I haven't been caught. I would be interested in a club.
There is one at Elon College but I've never had a response from them.
  Rudy: Being the typical college-student reader of the FML, I must give
you my data.  Harold: hob: 1 year: slightly enlarged spleen otherwise
good health.  Scooter: hob: 10 months?: great health! These are my first
ferrets. Being a Stat student, I must agree with you. There is a large
sample which could help normalize the curve. Like you said, some idea is
better than none. Also, what study is NOT biased in some way? It's
impossible to not have ANY biasedness. (My guess: normal curve, mean = 4
years, variance = 2-3 years).
Harold  (I don't CARE if oreos are bad for me, GIMME!)
Scooter (I'm bringing 'em Harold!!!)
P.S. Does Brewers Yeast give ferrets more energy?
[Posted in FML issue 1152]