To Andi and Todd:
I had this same problem several years ago - misjudging a young ferret's
age by their teeth.
Baby teeth begin to erupt at 2 wks.  The first permanent teeth come in by
8 wks of age and all should be in by 11 wks of age.
In the 'old days' when ferrets were treated 'like cats' it was thought (at
least by some people) that if perm.  teeth were coming in, the ferret was
around 12 wks or so (I think puppies are even later - it's been so long
since I had a puppy or kitten I can't remember!).  But this is not correct.
My breeding experience has shown 8 wks to be the norm - and they've all
been consistent in that respect.
The "older" ferret who is possibly missing teeth - did you buy this ferret?
Did you take him for a checkup?  Could he be missing teeth from an
inadequate diet or some other medical problem?  Are there any clubs in
your area - or breeders - who might be able to help you 'age' this ferret?
Is it possible this might be a PV ferret - they've had recent problems
with their feed.
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1178]